HUD is designed to display a variety of information on the table during the game. In addition, HUD must be enabled, if you use one of the following options:
Active checkbox is used to enable the HUD.
HUD consists of panels, each of which can display a variety of information consisting of text and a set of tags. There are two types of panels - Table panels and Player panels.
Table panels are designed to display a general information on the table, such as pot odds, the number of active players at the table, stack to pot ratio, etc.
Player panels are designed to display information for each of the players at the table, such as position, player actions, stack in big blind, etc.
From this video you can learn the basic principles of the work with HUD (although this video was done a long time ago and since then some things have been changed).
A detailed description can be found below.
Table panels
Table panels sub-tab is designed to display a general information on a table.
In the left side there is a list with all added panels. One of the panels is selected, and you can see its properties on the right. On a screenshot above this is a panel with text
"Odds: [c=4080FF][%][heroAct]"
The panel text can consist of a text part and a set of tags. In this case, the text part is "Odds:", and tags are [c=4080FF], [%] and [heroAct] (each of the tags is enclosed in square brackets).
On a table, the text part of the tag will be displayed unchanged. Tags are of two types - some of them generate some text that will be displayed on the table, and some control the displaying process. In this example, three tags are used:
As a result, this panel will look like this:
"Odds:" string is displayed without any changes, after that the text color was changed (by the tag [c=4080FF]), and after this the odds value was displayed - 17%.
You can combine different tags and text, displaying in one panel any amount of information you need. Or you can create a separate panel for each of the tags and place them on the table as you like.
To create a new panel, click the Add new panel button. As a result, a new panel with the default text (such as 'panel3' or 'panel7') and default settings will be added to the list of panels. The panel settings will be displayed to the right of the panel list.
If something went wrong, you can delete the panel by selecting it in the list and clicking Delete panel. Sometimes this may be required if you accidentally slide the panel over the edge of the table - if this happens, remove the panel and create it again.
The panel can be moved to any place on the table by dragging it with the right mouse button. Dragging will only work if the Lock HUD option is off.
Format string - here is the text of the panel. You can enter the text part manually. Tags can also be entered manually, but it is better to use the Add tag button - pre-position the cursor to the place where you want to add the tag and click this button. A dialog with a list of all tags will appear - you can use the filter to search for the desired tag or simply find it in the list, then doubleclick on it or click the Add button. The tag will be inserted at the specified position of the string.
Visible - this option allows you to enable or disable panel display. If the panel you do not need temporarily, you can turn off its display instead of deleting it completely.
Background - the background of the panel is set here. By default, a black opaque background will be used.
Font - a font is set here, including its size and bold style.
Font color - here you can specify a default font color. In the example above, the gray color was selected, and the string "Odds:" was displayed exactly for them. The font color can be changed using the [c =] tag.
Align - this option is intended for selecting the type of panel alignment when its size is changed. The size of the text in the panel can change when the value of the tags changed, and this parameter determines which part of the panel remains fixed when resizing.
Border width - this option allows you to change the size of the panels. When it is zero, the panel size is equal to the size of the text that is displayed in it. Increasing this parameter causes an additional frame around the text and the panel size increases.
Add tag - button to add a tag to the Format string. You can type the tags manually, but it's more convenient to do this with this button. It calls the window for adding a tag, in which the desired tag can be selected from the list. Also for each tag in the list there is a small description. To add a tag, select it from the list and click Add button (or you can just doubleclick on the desired line in the list). The tag is inserted into the Format string at the cursor position. Also in the lower right corner there is a filter, where you can type any text - in the list all tags containing this text (both in the text of the tag, and in its description) will be filtered.
OnClick - here you can select the action that will be performed when clicking on this HUD panel. In the current version of the program, the following options are implemented:
Show panel - here you can select table types there a panel will be displayed.
Custom bet buttons
OnClick feature of Table panels allows to create an on-screen betting buttons of different configurations. Unlike the standard betslider buttons implemented in the poker client, here you can create any number of buttons, arrange them as you like on the table and set any complex bet values.
In order to create a button, do the following:
Player panels
Player panels (unlike Table panels) display information tied to the specific player at the table, and in most cases for each of the players sitting at the table will be displayed their own copy of the panel.
Basically, all the settings of the Player panels are similar to the corresponding settings for Table panels. You can add and remove panels, adjust alignment, change background and font, and so on. However, there are some differences.
OnClick - as well as in the Table panels, you can specify the action that will be performed when clicking on this HUD panel. However, here the actions refer to the player, not to the table, so the set of actions here is different:
OnHover - here you can set the action that will be performed when the mouse is over the panel:
Player open raises 2bb on prelop, half-pot bets on the flop, checks and calls 3/4pot bet on turn and checks river.
Show panel - here you can set the options for displaying this panel only for hero, only for opponents or for all players at the table. Also you can select table types there a panel will be displayed.
for hero - if this option is enabled, then the panel will only be displayed for hero. You can turn off the panel display for other players, in which case the use of tags from the Player panels group will not be different from using similar tags from the Table panels (because there are some intersections among them). However, in the Player panels there are many tags that are not available in the Table panels and in this case you can use this method if you need to display them only for yourself.
You can move the Player panels by right mouse button, just like the Table panels. But, in addition, they can also be moved in groups. Holding Ctrl, you can move the panel of the same type right away for all players. While holding Shift, you can move all the panels of one player at the same time.
You can use the Reset positions button if some copies of a panel was lost or messed up.
Player panels tags
[nick] - player's nickname.
[stack] - player's stack in chips / dollars.
[stack_bb] - player's stack in big blinds. The program has a feature that completely transforms the display of stacks/bets/pot/labels on the buttons, etc. as the big blinds.
This option is intended for those who do not want to transform to bb everything, and wants to have a bb stacks as additional information.
[bet], [bet_bb] - player's bet in chips / dollars.
[effStack] - effective stack in chips / dollars.
[effStack_bb] - effective stack in big blinds.
[startStack_bb] - stack in big blinds at start of the hand.
[startStack_bb+] - stack in big blinds at start of the hand before blinds posting.
[startStack+] - stack at start of the hand before blinds posting.
[stack_adjbb] - stack in tourney AdjBB.
[startStack_adjbb] - stack in tourney AdjBB at start of the hand.
[startStack_adjbb+] - stack in tourney AdjBB at start of the hand before blinds posting.
[stack_M] - stack in M number.
[startStack_M] - stack in M number at start of the hand.
[startStack_M+] - stack in M number at start of the hand before blinds posting.
[startStackToHero+] - player stack to the hero stack ratio before blinds posting.
[pos] - player's position at the table. You can adjust it by clicking [pos] tag config... The description of dialog [pos] tag config window can be found here.
[!t] - hide the panel on the tournament table (control tag).
[!c] - hide the panel on the cash table (control tag).
[!f] - hide the panel for folded players (control tag).
[f] - show the panel for folded players only (control tag).
[preflop] - show the panel on preflop only (control tag).
[postflop] - show the panel on postflop only (control tag).
[heroAct] - show the panel at a turn of the hero only (control tag).
[!heroAct] - hide the panel at a turn of the hero (control tag).
[isPreflopAggressor] - show the panel for a preflop aggressor only (control tag).
[c=] - text color (control tag).
[c=!] - reset text color to default (control tag).
[c=/] - new line + reset text color to default.
[actions] - hisory of actions for the player in the current hand.
L - limp
P - post deadmoney
X - check
C - call
oR - preflop open raise
R - raise
B - bet
F - fold
D - donk bet
3b, 4b, 5b,... - 3bet, 4bet, 5bet, etc
Streets are separated by '|' character.
Here, the player open raised preflop, bet on the flop, check turn, call river.
Also you can adjust this tag by clicking [actions] tag config... button.
Here you can configure all action symbols, set separate symbols for Call / Overcall / Call 3bet and Limp / 1st limp actions. Also you can add sizings to any displayed action. You can set separate font color for sizings. Add space options adds an additional space between actions.
There is possible to configure separate font colors for every action type. Use doubleclick to set a color and right click to reset it to default.
You can use a [c=/] tag as a Street divider - in this case every new street will be start from a new line.
Raises as % of pot - by default raise sizes will be shown as times of bet or previous raise, but with this option they will be displayed as % of pot (i.e 100% in a case of pot bet).
The [!f] tag can be used with [actions] to hide a panel for a folded players.
There is a video about [actions] tag configuration:
[sizing] - displays the last action and sizing.
[grHand] - displays pocket cards of hero in a graphic form (unlike all other tags that can only display text data). In addition, this tag has a special format - after it can follow a number that specifies the scale of the cards. For example, if the panel text is [grHand] 70, then the cards will be displayed at a scale of 70% of the original. If this value is not specified, then the cards will be displayed in full size, i.e. 100%. This tag cann't be combined with other text or tags - so don't add anything except these to the panel.
Cards are displayed in the following form:
The panel with cards is conveniently placed on top of the original cards.
If you want to replace the deck from which the cards are displayed - replace the cards.png file located in the folder
c:\PartyCaption\Layouts\[Deck] HUD\NewGameTable
To display cards to HUD PartyCaption uses this file. However, please note that only 5015x82 pixels files are suitable for PartyCaption. Files with decks of another resolution will not work and you will have to manually resize it in a graphics editor.
In addition to the [grHand] tag in the Player panels, there is also a similar tag in the Table panels, but it can only be used if you only play tables of one size (for example, 6max). In all other cases it is desirable to use this tag in the Player panels, since in this case the position for the cards will be kept individually for 6max, 9max, 4max, etc. tables.
Watch this video [grHand] about tag:
[hasNote] - show the panel only for players who have a text note (control tag). Details on text notes can be found here.
[note1] - [note10] - each of these tags displays one text line of the text note for the player (lines one through ten). Details on text notes can be found here.
[bountyVal] - bounty value in knockout tournament (copy of value displayed on a table behind player).
[bountyVal_$] - bounty to earn in knockout tournament (half of [bountyVal]).
[bountyVal_chips] - bounty to earn (equivalent in chips). Calculates as [TL_startingChips]*[bountyVal_$]/([TL_NetBuyIn]-[TL_BountyBuyIn])
[bountyVal_bb] - bounty to earn (equivalent in big blinds).
General HUD
Genegal HUD is designed to configure a separate common HUD window that is independent of the tables. It is intended to display general information, such as the session duration, the total number of hands played, the number of tournaments played, etc. All this information can also be displayed directly on the tables, but if you do not want to overload them with the same type of information, you can bring all this to the Genegal HUD.
Setting up this HUD is similar to setting up the Table panels (and all the tags are also taken from there), but there are some differences.
HUD consists of panels located one above one. The screenshot above shows the default version of HUD consisting of six panels. In three of them only text, and another three have tags. Text and tags can be freely composited in any way, as in Table panels (you can insert several tags into one panel, separating them with text and [c =] and [c =!] tags to change the text color).
For each panel, the background color, size, font color and type, text alignment (left, center and right), frame width and click action are individually customized.
The size of the HUD window is not directly adjustable - it is calculated automatically based on the size of the panels. You can resize the panels by changing the font, the width of the border, adding text (or just spaces on the sides).
To move the panels up and down the list there are a couple of buttons with arrows.
General HUD options
Active - turn Genegal HUD.
Always on top - the Genegal HUD window will be displayed on top of all other tables.
Force topmost - the Genegal HUD window will be displayed on top of all other tables of 'on top' style.
Genegal HUD tags
[ntables] - the number of open tables.
[tablesWHero] - the number of tables with hero.
[actionTables] - the number of tables with turn of the hero.
[regSNG] - number of registered SnGs (by SnG registrator)
[SNG_timeToEnd] - time before the end of the session, set in the SnG registrator.
[allHandsCount] - number of hands, played by hero at all tables in a current session.
[allTrnys] - the number of tournaments played in this session.
[sessionTime] - the time elapsed since the beginning of the session.
[c=] - text color.
[c=!] - reset text color to default.
In OnClick (left click action) there are the following options
In addition, there is a right-click menu that has the following items:
Tag color range
This option is intended for coloring the text tag, depending on its value.
In order to enable the coloring to tag, you must:
1. Select it in the list 16.
2. Turn on the checkbox 17.
3. Set the tag ranges 23-26.
4. Set the color for each of the ranges 18-22. To select a color, click on the relevant panel.
When displayed in a panel tag will have the following color: 18, if its value is less than or equal to 23.
19, if its value is greater than 23 and less than or equal to 24.
20, if its value is greater than 24 and less than or equal to 25.
21, if its value is greater than 25 and less than or equal to 26.
22, if its value is greater than 26.
For example, this screenshot shows the coloring of [BB100] tag. Tag will be displayed in red on NL10 and lower, orange on NL25, yellow on NL50, green on NL100 and blue at all stakes above.
Showdown cards
Displays known (mucked or shown) cards at showdown. Hold'em Manager or Poker Tracker can do it too, but PartyCaption does it much faster, so it also can do it on fastforward tables.
Show cards - displays cards option:
Cards size - here you can configure a size of cards.
Adjust cards position - with this option you can temporary display cards for all players, so it will be possible do set their size and position (Lock HUD option must be disabled).
Cards time - allows you to set the time for displaying cards.
Show board - also a board cards will be shown.