PartyCaption - SnG/MTT

The SnG / MTT tab contains a variety of features that make it easy to play different kinds of tournaments - MTTs, SnGs and Spins.


Auto actions


Here you can confiture auto hanlde of different tounrney dialog boxes and some other auto actions.

Auto buy-in - this option automatically processes the tournament buy-in window.

Use ticket at first - if registration for the ticket is available, then it will be chosen.


Auto add-on - this option automatically turns on the auto-addon checkbox on a table.


Rebuy - this option automatically turns on the Rebuy checkbox on a table.


Auto close 'Registration successful' - automatically closes the dialog box that appears after registration in the tournament.


Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed ...' - automatically closes the dialog box that appears after the leaving a tournament.

Hide dialog window - hides this dialog window before closing.


Auto close 'Do you really want to un-register ...' - automatically confirms the registration from the tournament, by clicking the appropriate button in the dialog box.


Auto close 'You have successfully unregistered ...' - automatically closes the dialog box that appears after the unregistration.


Auto close 'Sorry, your opponent has decided to reject ...' - automatically closes the dialog box with this message (rematch refusal notification).


Auto close 'Deal Making' - closes Deal Making dialog box.


Autorefresh [TL _...] tags - activates the automatic update of HUD tags with the prefix "TL_". More information about this can be found here.

There are two ways how this option can work:
v1 - tournament lobby will be opened and hidden completely.

v2 - tournament lobby will be hidden behind the edge of the screen. Use this way if TL tags stops to update with v1.

Restore lobby after table closed - by default tournament lobby will be closed after closing a table. With this option it will be shown.


Auto close tourney tables after finishing - if this option is enabled, PartyCaption will automatically close the tournament table if you left the tournament, after a specified number of seconds. The closing time is set using the Close time option. In order for this option to work, the option Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed ...' should also be enabled.

Also this option has three variants of the closing algorithm - v1 , v2 and v3, you can switch them using the option on the right. v1 is the simplest algorithm, it tries to close the table once. However, partypoker tables do not always close at the first attempt, so this algorithm may not work in some cases. Variant v2 first activates the table, and only then tries to close it. The variant v3 is the hardest - it will try to close the table until success.


Refresh SnG lobby every X seconds - if this option is enabled, then PartyCaption will try to refresh SnG list in a lobby.

Refresh by swithching tabs - more reliable option for updating the lobby. With it PartyCaption will automatically switch tabs in the main lobby every X seconds. Switching will be made only if the Sit & Gos tab is active - the lobby will be switched to the fastforward tab and back to Sit & Gos. At the moment of switching, the poker client updates the list of tables in the lobby (it also intercepts focus and this is a disadvantage of this method).


Discard re-enter - this option will automatically close the dialog box with a suggestion to make a re-entry.


Discard rebuy - this option will automatically close the dialog box with a suggestion to make a rebuy.


Autorefresh [TL _...] tags period - turn on this option to auto update CH HUD tags, and set period (in seconds) for this.





Auto buy-in - automatic processing of the buy-in window in Spins.


Discard rematch - automatic cancellation of rematch in the dialog window at the end of Spins. Turn on this option if you will use Spins registrator.


SnG registrator


SnG registrator is used to configure and manage the SnG registrator module, designed for automatic registration in Sit & Go tournaments according to specified criteria.


Before you start working with the registrator, open the SnG Lobby in the poker client and filter out the tournaments you need there. It is desirable that in the list of tournaments the lobby displays as few different types of tournaments as possible - this will allow the registrator to work faster and will create less problems in its operation.

Click the Add new tournament button to add a new tournament to the list. After that, you can configure its properties in the Tournament settings section below.



Tournament settings


Tournament type - here you can choose the type of tournament from the drop-down list. Before it click Update table types button - it will copy all types of tournaments that are currently in the lobby to this list.


Max SNGs of this type - the maximum number of played tournaments of this type. Registration in tournaments of this type will continue until the number of open + registered tournaments of this type will not reach this value.


Max of simultaneous registrated SNGs of this type - the maximum number of simultaneous registrations (i.e. registered but not started tournaments) of this type.


Register only if remaining seats <X and> Y - allows you to configure the registration in tournaments with a specified number of available seats.

In example on above screenshot registration for selected 6max DON only will be done to tournaments with more than 2 and less than 6 free seats (that is, with 3, 4 or 5, i.e 3/6, 4/6 and 5/6 seats).


Register if <X SNGs currently opened - this type of SnGs will be registered only if you have X or less tournament tables opened.

and registered - also registered but not started tounrmaments will be counted by this option.




General options of registrator


SNGs to keep playing - sets the total number of tournaments (open + registered) that the registrator will maintain.


Max SNGs to play - allows you to specify the number of tournaments, after registration of which the registrator will automatically turn off (the number of tournaments in the session), if this option is enabled.


Max time to play (stop after how many minutes) - allows you to specify the duration of the session in minutes. The registrator will be automatically turned off after a specified time, if this option is enabled.


To the right of the list of tournaments there are buttons with arrows that allow you to move tournaments up and down the list. Tournaments located higher in the list have higher priority. Priority affects the order of registration of tournaments in the event that in the lobby are simultaneously available tournaments of several types, suitable for all criteria. In this case, for the next registration will be selected tournament, located above in the list.



After setting all the parameters, turn on the Active checkbox, and registrator will start working.


Registered - shows the current number of registered tournaments and the total number since the beginning of the session.


Opened - shows the number of open tournaments.


Session time - shows the time from the beginning of the session.


Unregister all & stop - is designed to interrupt the session, clicking it leads to the de-registration of all registered tournaments, after which the registrator stops.



Useful settings when using SnG registrator


Turn on Auto close tourney tables after finishing. Set Close time not to zero, but to something like 5 (if you choose too small value and PartyCaption will try to close table too early, the poker client can show one more dialog box - as if you are trying to close the table you are playing on).


Don't minimize the main lobby while you play, because partypoker stops to update it after a while and registrator will not find new tournaments to register. If you want to hide it, use Lobby / Hide/show lobby hotkey instead, or the same options in HUD / General HUD / OnClick if you prefer to do it by mouse click.


Also partypoker can stop to update lobby if you will not click it from time to time. To prevent it, turn on Refresh SnG lobby every X seconds option, and Refresh by swithching tabs sub-option too. This option will force lobby to update by switching tabs in a lobby. It also intercepts focus and if this creates inconvenience for you (for example, if you write a lot of notes and frequent loss of focus is critical for you), then you can not use this option, but update the lobby manually by the Lobby / Update lobby hotkey. This hotkey does the same and you can choose the time when to use it.


Spins registrator


This sub-tab is intended for automatic registration in Spins tournaments according to specified conditions.

Set 1 in the number of games at the bottom of the poker lobby before starting of registrator.

Click the Add new tournament button to add a new tournament to the list. After that, you can configure its properties in the Spin settings section below.



Spin settings


Tournament type - here you can choose the type of tournament from the drop-down list. Before it click Update types button - it will copy all types of Spins that are currently present in the lobby.


Ultra - turn it on if you want to play Ultra Spin type.



General options of registrator


SNGs to keep playing - sets the total number of tournaments that the registrator will maintain.


Max SNGs to play - allows you to specify the number of tournaments, after registration of which the registrator will automatically turn off (the number of tournaments in the session), if this option is enabled.


Max time to play (stop after how many minutes) - allows you to specify the duration of the session in minutes. The registrator will be automatically turned off after a specified time, if this option is enabled.



After setting all the parameters, turn on the Active checkbox, and registrator will start working.

Registrator uses a Registration sequence list to choose a type of spin to open. For example, on the screenshot above registrator will open Spins in this order:
1. $0.25 Ultra

2. $0.25

3. $0.25

4. The list of tournaments has ended and the registrator starts at the top again, so it will be $0.25 Ultra

5. $0.25

6. $0.25, and so on.


So with these settings you will play 1/3 of $0.25 Ultra Spins and 2/3 of regular $0.25 Spins (if you will play 60 spins, 20 of them will be $0.25 Ultra)

By using Registration sequence you can mix different stakes and Ultra/regular spins. If you want to play just one stake, add only one line to the list.


Opened - shows the number of open tournaments.


Session time - shows the time from the beginning of the session.



Spins Ultra and Spins Overdrive mixing


It is possible to add both Ultra and Overdrive spins to a Registration sequence, but before starting the registrator, the following sequence must be observed:

1. Open Spins Overdrive tab in a lobby and wait for the tournament types to be updated there.

2. Open Spins Ultra tab and stay there.

3. Now you can turn on Spins registrator


If you play spins from only one tab, then you can just open this tab in a lobby.



Useful settings when using Spins registrator


Turn on Spins / Discard rematch option to automatically process end of spin dialog.


Turn on Auto close tourney tables after finishing. Set Close time not to zero, but to something like 5 (if you choose too small value and PartyCaption will try to close table too early, partypoker can show one more dialog box - as if you are trying to close the table you are playing on).


Hide Spins amination


Turn on this option to hide table content during initial animation before the game starts (determination of the multiplier, etc)

Use Color button to define a color of hiding box.


HUD / Active must be enabled to use this option.


Advanced MTT Lobby


This button opens the Advanced MTT Lobby. Also you can use Lobby / Advanced MTT Lobby hotkey or HUD / Genaral HUD / OnClick / Advanced MTT Lobby option to open it.


Tournament lobby position


Here you can confiture slot for tounament lobbies. Open one tournament lobby, place it where you need to create a slot and click Get current button to save coordinates of a solt (Left and Top).

Turn on Active to activate a slot - after it every new lobby will be moved to this slot, but you still be able to move a lobby manually to any other point (turn on Fix positon if you want to prevent it).

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