HUD / Player panles / Copy nickname to clipboard, Search the Web (partypoker allows these options again)
Options / Suppress Enter in the bet box
Support of a new NJ, PA, MI poker client versions
Lobby / Hide elements / Self-exclusion banner
Dialogs / Self-Assessment message
Hotkeys / Toggle hotkeys
Hotkeys / Betting hotkeys /
Use 'Big blinds' on preflop
Use 'x raise' when facing a raise on preflop
Use '% of pot' on postflop
Use 'x raise' when facing a bet or raise on postflop
[raised] and [!raised] tags in HUD / Table panels
SnG/MTT / Auto buy-in / Hide balance also works for rematch dialog box
"x raise" added to Betting hotkeys and HUD betting buttons
x() operator removed from formula syntax
SnG/MTT / Auto buy-in / Hide balance
Spins registrator fix for a lobby without Ultra tab
Changes in Betting hotkeys and HUD betting buttons in accordance with new partypoker requirements
Support of Optibet.LT client
Spins Overdrive support in Spins registrator and Open spins hotkeys
Table options / Opening & closing / Auto click 'Join Table'
Sitout state fix for vStruct=9
vStruct=9, new poker client versions support
Table manager / Table width control
vStruct=8, new poker client versions support
[tourneyID] tag in HUD / Table panles
Table highlight / Sitout
Fixes in layout paths, custom cards can be installed via Layout tab now
Fix of [sitMeOut]/[sitOutNextBB] tags for the latest poker client versions
Support of Dialogs / partypoker Session Summary for BetMGM (and maybe some other poker clients)
Support of a new poker client versions
Auto rebuy fix for the new es/fr/it table structure
Fixes for the new es/fr/it table structure
SnG/MTT / Update table when spin starts
Lobby / Lobby size & position (size added, it is possible to make slot smaller than minimum lobby size)
Support of a new es/fr/it table structure (25.01.2023, vStruct=5)
Fix of tounament lobby processing in v2.15a / v2.15b
Dialogs / Autorebuy (cash games) - implementation for the new party tables
New table structure for partypoker.com
Table options / Hide elements / Sports button
[country] tag works for fr/es client
Support of new tables for es/fr client (vStruct=4)
[SpinsReg_state], [SpinsReg_number] tags in General HUD
General HUD / OnClick / Toggle Spins Registrator, Increase Spins to keep playing, Decrease Spins to keep playing
HUD / Player panels / OnClick / Copy actions to clipboard
Notes tab
Notes / Add text note when setting color label
BetMGM Ontario
New license server is enabled by default
Fix for the new license server support
Fix for PartyPokerOntario
Support ot PartyPokerOntario
Table Highlight / Frame / Width limit increased
Default height of Hide board if hero all-in increased
New license server support
Convert chips / Custom bet box / in pot% for preflop raise
Convert chips / Custom bet box / in pot% for postflop raise
Convert chips / Hotkeys / Toggle Custom bet box type + Reset to default on next action
SnG/MTT / Auto actions / Discard re-enter - fixed for a new dialog type
[actions] tag - rounding to the nearest integer percentage values
Fix of the Set note hotkey for HU Real Name cash tables (new party tables)
Table manager can work correctly with slots smaller than the minimum table size in modes with miniatures
SnG/MTT / Spins registrator / Configuration profiles
Hotkeys / Additional hotkeys / Set note 1 - Set note 12
Fixes for old tables support
[minStack], [maxStack] tags in HUD / Player panels
Hotkeys / Betslider button 1 - Betslider button 5
Dialogs / Notes dialog / On top of tables + Open under cursor + Set note by single click
Fix of Table options / Hide elements / # Hand
Fix of stacks processing on some table sizes / proportions
Support of the latest bwin.com update
Player panels positions fixed for 3max, 7max and 9max tables
Processing of a new dialog in the end of MTT
Bugfixes and improvements
Fix for all-in call by hotkeys
Support of distorted tables (by StarsCaption / Table manager 2, for example)
Fixes for the new party tables:
Places paid and Prize could convert to bb
Fonts / Betslider buttons (instead of Fonts / Buttons / Betting buttons)
Fixes for the new party tables:
Hotkeys / Set
Fix of Fonts / Player action / Hide for Post BB
Fix of Fonts / Buttons / Pre-action buttons
Fonts / Buttons / Betting buttons
Fixes for the new party tables:
New 'Do you really want to leave' dialog processing
Table options / Hide elements / Poker Whizz
Table options / Hide elements / Sit out options
Bugfixes and improvements
New partypoker tables support
[IamBackTimes] tag in HUD / Table panels
[IamBackTimes_all] tag in Table panels and General HUD.
HUD / Table panels / Position
HUD / Player panels / Position
SNGs to keep playing maximum increased
Options / Test options / SnG reg period
Fix of Dialogs / partypoker Session Summary for different party skins
Table highlight / Table with minimum total time until the end of turn
Small fixes
Fix of HU SnG accept rematch
Fix of a color text in Note editor
SnG/MTT / Auto actions / HU SnG accept rematch
Lobby / Hotkeys / My Tournies
New mechanism for passing messages between program modules
SnG/MTT / Spins registrator / Registration mode
Optibet.ee and Optibet.lv poker clients support
partypoker client update 26.05.2021
Fixes in HUD
Fix of Options / Notes editor / Background color button
Options / Notes editor / Position
Lobby / Auto open FastForward tables / Table opening delay
All options for Fold to any bet checkbox are removed
SnG/MTT / Options / Restrict spins stakes
Lo combination in [handStrength] tag
Hide elements / Hand strength also hides Lo combination
Displaying of colored text in Note editor by default, Note editor / Color tags mode
Fixes in rendering of multi-line HUD panels
Fix - empty lines in popup
Insert color tags buttons in Note editor
Fix for partypoker update 15.12.2020
[xMax] tag in HUD / Table panels
Options / Notes Editor / Allow duplicates
[preflop_actions] tag in HUD / Player panels
[c=] and [c=!] tags can be used for coloring HUD popups (for note popup)
bwin.de support
[timeFromAct] tag in Tag color range
[h] tag in HUD / Player panels
Options / Notes Editor / Autosave at closing
Options / Notes Editor / Auto close by 'Save'
HUD / OnHover popup / Font + Font color + Background color + Show nickname
Support of partypoker sochi client
Fix for formulas with empty tags in HUD / Player panels
SnG registrator / Test options (Calc registered v2 and Calc unknown registrations)
Fix of saving notes to NewNotesColor_0.txt
[note11]-[note16] tags in HUD / Player panels
Options / Sound alerts / Time to act < X sec
partypoker client update 15.10.2020
Color notes for tournament lobby are reading from NewNotesColor_0.txt now
SnG/MTT / Options
SnG/MTT / SnG registrator / Registration priority
Fix of SnG/MTT / SnG registrator / Registration timeout 1 + Registration timeout 2
partypoker.de support
Many changes in SnG registrator implementation
Lobby / Lobby position / Fix position
[timeFromAct], [TL_timeToBreak] tags in HUD / Table panels
HUD / Player panels / Reset positions - fix for 7max
Main window coordinates are saves on the 2nd display now
SnG registrator / Tournament settings / Register if < X SNGs currently opened + registered
Table highlight / Frame / Width fix (it could spontaneously reset to 0)
New SnG registrator working mode (with ID column in a lobby)
All links changed to pokercaption.com
Bugfix - sometimes call was recognized incorrectly as check
Table highlight fix
Options / Popup table whenever action is required / Forced reactivation
Options / Force mouse cursor to show
Table highlight changes: Bottom zone replaced to Frame
Options / Show invisible tables v2 + Table cropping conflict fixed
[TL_firstPrize], [flopEffSPR] tags in HUD / Table panels
Sit out next bb if stack more than X bb, Sit out next hand if stack more than X bb, Sit out next bb if time bank balance options removed by partypoker request
Add another nickname to the license works with Use screenname-linked License ID enabled
HUD / [RNG] tag config / New value at
Fixes in new PartyCaption engine
Changes in [grHand] implementation and Showdown cards
Lobby / Hotkeys / Update lobby uses SnG/MTT / Refresh by switching tabs sub-option
Fonts / All-in equity / Hide
Changes in HUD / Showdown cards
New PartyCaption engine
Fix of [grHand], [board] tags and HUD / Showdown cards
betbox variable in formulas
Refresh by switching tabs fix
General HUD / OnClick / Player Notes Editor, and the same option in a right click menu of a tray icon
[totalTourneyRake] tag in General HUD
[tableIdx], [tableIdxConst] tags in HUD / Table panels
6th stage of fixes
5th stage of fixes
4th stage of fixes: Real Name tables support (Preferred seat configuration required), HUD / Hide board if hero all-in, [nick] and [note] tags fix (for some cases), etc
Thousand separator in Convert chips (with format 1,234.56)
3rd stage of fixes
2nd stage of fixes for 25.06.2020 partypoker.com client update
1st stage of fixes for 25.06.2020 partypoker.com client update
Fix notes and [nick] tag on Real Name tournament tables
Fonts increased in Player Notes Editor
SnG/MTT / Close marked tables (via Hotkeys / Mark the table) after X seconds
SnG/MTT / Hide Spins animation / Color
Options / Distorted table process v2
Formulas support in General HUD
Ladbrokes Poker support
7max tables support
Spins registrator sub-tab saved at closing
Spins registrator / Pause registrator when / One of tables marked by 'Mark the table 2' hotkey
Options / Moving tables holding Left+Right mouse buttons / Move table just by Left button
Table highlight / Preaction button clicked by hotkey - reset after fold
Table cropping - fix for minimized tables
Fix notes and [nick] tag on Real Name tables
Advanced MTT Lobby / Font
All-in fix for Options / setBetBox v2
Sit out options fix
[h] tag in HUD / Table panels
HUD / General HUD / Background / Invisible
Lobby / Open Spins hotkeys / Ultra
SnG/MTT / Spins registrator / Registration sequence
Dialogs / partypoker Session Summary fix
Ј tournaments support
Formula can be used in Convert chips / Tourney table / Multiplier
[f2], [!f2], [AI] tags in HUD / Player panels
HUD / Popup font size
SnG/MTT / Auto buy-in / Use tickets at first
Server connection settings
Coral poker support
Table options / Default chat tab / Auto hide / Excluding notes tab
[stack] tag removed from HUD / Table panels
[actions] tag fix for raises in % of pot
Support ot CrystalBetPoker
Options / Player notes / Font color + Background color
Table options / Move elements / Betslider
Sitout options fix
Fix HUD / Player panels / Show panel / for other players / with stack ≤ hero only (it works for equal stacks now too)
[totalBuy-in] tag in HUD / Table panels and General HUD
Table options / Hide elements / Enable One Click Bet
Removed: Table options / Hide elements опции Sit out options, ON/OFF at all cash tables, ON/OFF help, ON/OFF help, Open table, Table Options, Lobby, Left-bottom buttons, FOLDED, Spins prize button; Table options / Move elements / Sit out next big blind + Sit me out; Options / Expand chat when 'Sit out next bb' is enabled
Table options / Default chat tab / Replay
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Replayer
Table options / Auto hide 'Sit out options'
Sit out options changed for a new table design
Custom bet box fixes in different working modes
[board] tag fix for preflop (with scale coefficient)
Fix for 20.02.2020 partypoker update (there is no Fold button if check is available)
Convert chips / Cash table / Multiplier
Convert chips / Tourney table / Multiplier
Fix of [minStartStackNF_bb] and [minStartStackNF_bb+] HUD tags for auto all-in situations
Fix of HUD / Table panels / Background / Invisible
Lobby / Add to Waitlist hotkeys / Include Ante Games
SnG/MTT / SnG reg state (SnG registrator state log), some fixes in SnG registrator implementation
Hotkeys / Cascade tables
HUD / Table panels / Background / Color range / {Use background color / Invisible background / Invisible panel}
Fix of SnG/MTT / Refresh SnG lobby / Refresh by switching tabs
[!heroVpip] tag in HUD / Table panels and Player panels
Hotkeys / Disable keyboard hotkeys if chat is under mouse cursor
Dialogs / Autorebuy will not do a rebuy if Auto rebuy to max enabled
HUD / Player panels / Show panel / for players who left a table
Hotkeys / I am back
HUD / Auto scale HUD / Min font size
SnG registrator fix for the Speed column in SnG lobby
HUD / Auto scale HUD
Partial fix of Dialogs / Autorebuy (cash table)
New cash table title format support
Ante detect for cash tables
Cash tables with SB=BB support
Pause for [sessionTime] if sitting out at all tables
Fix of tournament lobby show
Hide of Player panel if player leave a table
Options / Auto enable dealer messages in chat removed
nc variable fix (for limpers)
Fonts / Buttons fix (for chat pop ups font)
Digital value of [TL_lateReg] tag in formulas
[!f1] tag in HUD / Player panels
Fixes for 18.12.2019 partypoker.com update (FastForward lobby and [t] tag)
SnG registrator bugfixes
SnG registrator bugfixes
Options / Replayer slot / Fix position
SnG/MTT / Tournament lobby position / Fix position
SnG/MTT / Autorefresh [TL_...] tags / v2
Fixes of HUD proportions at migration from v1.94d or below
Options / HUD proportions correction (for manual corrections)
[country] tag in HUD / Player panels (for Real Name tables)
New implementation of HUD / Hide board if hero all-in
Table manager fixes
- new partypoker table proportions (sorry, but it will will slightly affect the panel positions in HUD)
- Alternative miniature update options consumes less CPU time
- Table manager / Hero cards in miniature works againg
New tournament table title support
$0.05/0.05 NL added to Add to Waitlist hotkeys / Stakes
Dialogs / Auto close popup menu removed
Table options / Hide elements / My Game button
Auto time bank disabled in Sitout mode
spot variable fix
Options / Replayer slot fix
Hotkeys / Replayer hotkey closes replayer if it opened
[currentTime] tag in HUD / Table panels
Lobby / Hotkeys / Spins registrator
SnG/MTT / Hide Spins animation fix
Fixes in a server connect
Isolate in HUD / [actions] tag config
@ can be used in HUD formulas to specify decimals - {pot/bb@2} for examle
Tag color range works for single tags in formulas
SnG/MTT / Autorefresh [TL _...] tags / Restore lobby after table closed
General HUD / right click menu / Sitout mode
[SitoutMode] tag in Table panels and General HUD
OnClick / Toggle tags config in Table panels and General HUD
ini file in UTF8
Lobby / Auto open FastForward tables / Number of tables - maximum increased to 9
Fix of Convert chips / Custom bet box / in pot% for postflop bet (bugfixes for v1.93)
Table highlight / Hand folded fix
[TL_lateReg] в HUD / Table panels, [TL_lateRegLevel] removed
Dialogs / Seat Available / Click "Take me off the List" for Real Name tables
Hotkeys / Toggle General HUD
Advanced MTT Lobby / Register by doubleclick on a Status column
Widths of Advanced MTT Lobby columns are now saved in settings
[sitoutTables] tag in Table panels, General HUD and Tag color range
Align / Center by default for General HUD panels now
[hotkeysEnabled] tag in General HUD
HUD / General HUD / OnClick / Toggle hotkeys
Fix of Dialogs / Auto buy-in (cash table)
effStack tags fix (bugfixes for v1.93)
New version of the reading table info engine
Fix of Options / Sit out next bb if stack more than X bb
HUD / Showdown cards / All works now (for known cards only)
Round bet to X% bb in Betscript / Default preflop bet and Default postflop bet
2nd fix for 4.09.2019 partypoker update
1st fix for 4.09.2019 partypoker update
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Bet / Round bet to X% bb
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Toggle Convert chips
Changes in Convert chips options
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Toggle hotkeys
[hotkeysEnabled] tag in HUD / Table panels
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Mark the table
HUD / General HUD / OnClick / Add to Waitlist
HUD / General HUD / OnClick / Open Spins
Fix of [TL_lateRegLevel] for tourneys with re-entry
Fix for a new Add to Waitlist hotkeys stake order
Fix of hands counting
Lobby / Auto open FastForward tables / Number of tables maximum increased to 6
Hotkeys / Sit out next bb at all tables can also off checkboxes now
[timing] tag removed (it's prohibited by party now)
Fix of [grHand] tag for all table types
Fix of [handsCount] and [allHandsCount] tags
Betsript / Default preflop bet + Default postflop bet
Fix of nc variable
Fix of [grHand] HUD tag
Options / Tooltips removed
Hotkeys / Save note and hide chat removed
Hotkeys / Fold to any bet
Hotheys / 'Check/Fold' hotkey clicks 'Fastforward fold to any bet' where it available renamed to 'Check/Fold' hotkey clicks 'Fold to any bet' where it available and fastforward only suboption added
Fix of options:
Options / Sit out next bb if stack more than X bb
Options / Sit out next hand if stack more than X bb
Options / Autorebuy to max if stack more than X bb
Fix of ShortDeck support
LDblClick hotkey fix
Some not working options removed
Fix of Convert chips / Convert chips preflop only / in pot% for postflop bet
Fix of [board] HUD / Table panels tag
Fix of [effStack], [effStack_bb], [reqProtect], [handStrength], [TL_heroPos], [actions] HUD tags
Fix of HUD / [actions] tag config / Raises as % of pot
Fix of HUD / Hide board if hero all-in
Fix of [p%], [vsPos], [lastTimePlay] HUD tags
Table highlight fix
New party cashgame table names support
bwin.sh support (English client)
Warning for fr/es/nj users
Options / Notes Editor Font...
Options / Logging / Betscript log remaned to Options / Logging / Active
Fix of [playersInHand], [cnt], [isPreflopAggressor], [allHandsCount] HUD tags
New HUD tags: [TL_avStack], [TL_avStack_bb], [TL_minStack], [TL_minStack_bb], [TL_maxStack], [TL_maxStack_bb], [TL_heroPos]
Options / Auto enable dealer messages in chat
Fixes for [pos], blind level detect
4th fix for 17.06.2019 partypoker.com update
[actions], [timings], [stackAfterBet_bb], [potNextStreet], [potNextStreet_bb], [effStackNextStreet], [effStackNextStreet_bb], [effSprNextStreet], [PreBetSize], [preflop], [postflop] tags fixed
Various small fixes
Dealer messages must be enabled in chat to use all functions
3rd fix for 17.06.2019 partypoker.com update
[pos], [nick], [hasNote], [note1]-[note10], [bountyVal], [bountyVal_chips], [bountyVal_bb], [earned_bounty], [stack], [stack_bb], [stack_adjbb], [stack_M], [effStack], [effStack_bb], [startStackToHero+] tags fixed in Player panels
Hotkeys / Rebuy, Rebuy 10bb fixed
Some minor fixes
2nd fix for 17.06.2019 partypoker.com update
[%], [:], [:2], [SPR], [effSPR] tags fixed
effStack and antes variables in formulas
New color notes file (NewNotesColor.txt instead of WatchList_New.txt)
startstacks tags in Player panels
Preliminary support of 17.06.2019 partypoker.com update
There are no handhistories now and many functions has beed broken in result
Also some options has been removed on partypoker request (betscript, filters in Betting buttons, some HUD tags)
Options / Show invisible tables vX delay Y
Fix of [bountyVal_chips], [bountyVal_bb], [callOddsWithBounty%], [callBounty], [earned_bounty] tag according to a Stars-like bounty display
HUD / Bounty tags treat X% of stack raise as all-in
SnG/MTT / Tournament lobby position
Removed options:
Table options / Show notes in the Cash games lobby
Table options / Old note icon position
Lobby / FastForward lobby statistics
[numberFF] tag
[bountyVal_$] tag
Some foxes for Srort Deck tables for the latest partypoker update
SnG/MTT / Refresh SnG lobby every X seconds / Refresh by switching tabs
SnG/MTT / Autorefresh [CH_...] tags period
Fix for a native party BB table mode for 14.05.2019 partypoker update
bwin.dk support
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Minimize table
Lobby / Hide elements / Balance info works for bwin
Dialogs / Autorebuy works correctly at shortdeck tables with 100bb autorebuy
Hotkeys / Enable hotkeys
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Fold and watch
[heroInHand] tag in HUD / Table panels and Player panels
Table highlight / Pre-action button clicked by Check/Fold hotkey
ShortDeck support
HUD / Hide board configuration / Text
[vsPos] tag in HUD / Table panels
[actions] tag config / 3bets in bb
Sit out next bb at all tables, Sit me out at all tables, 'I am back' at all tables in icon tray menu
Changed implementation of SnG / Refresh SnG lobby every X seconds and Lobby / Hotkeys / Update lobby
Lobby / Add to Waitlist hotkeys fix, Hi/Hi-Lo filter added for PLO
Table options / New tables size & position
Dialogs / Seat Available / Click "Take me off the List" if table was closed < X seconds ago
Convert chips / Custom bet box / Show if 'Convert chips' is disabled
Lobby / Hide elements / Cashback
Hotkeys / Stack tables
Fix for / hotkey
Options / 0-9 keys activate the bet box and NumPad input activates the bet box work for the table under mouse now
Date insterst to a cursor position in a Note editor
Search in Player Notes Editor is not a case-sensitive now
Lobby / Hotkeys / Advanced MTT Lobby / Global hotkey
Hotkyes / HUD toggle / All tables
Auto time bank / Hide button fix
HUD / Table panels / Clone panel
HUD / Player panels / Clone panel
Buttons to move panels up and down in Player panels and Table panels lists
[effStartStack], [effStartStack_bb] tags in HUD / Table panels
SnG / MTT / Auto close tourney tables after finishing / Don't close marked tables (via Hotkeys / Mark the table)
Fix of Convert chips / Custom bet box / Align in bet box % mode
Hotkeys / Most urgent table fix with HUD disabled
Support of partypoker.cz
Fix in Player panels formulas implementation
Fix for big bounty values (like 19,58K $)
Max values increased in Lobby / Lobby position
Delayed actions removed completely
SnG Jackpot renamed to Spins
[sitOutNextBBandClose] tag in HUD / Table panels and Tag color range
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Sit out next bb & close table
bb and sb variables in formulas
Bugfixes in a notes backups saving
Notes can be edit after poker client closing now
SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Deal Making'
Formulas support in HUD / Player panels
[sitMeOut], [sitOutNextBB] tags in HUD / Table panels and Tag color range
HUD / Toggle tags config
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Sit out next bb + Sit me out
Options / Expand chat when 'Sit out next bb' is enabled
Convert chips / Custom bet box / Align
SnG registrator: Number of seats in SnG names (to distinguish 9max/10max SnGs)
Lobby / Hide elements / Balance info
HUD / Player panels / Show panel / for other players / with stack > hero only
Dialogs / partypoker Session Summary (for partypoker.se)
[TL_lateRegLevel] tag in HUD / Table panels
partypoker.se support
Bugfixes for Advanced MTT Lobby
Bugfixes for Advanced MTT Lobby
[minTimeToAct] tag in HUD / Table panels, General HUD and Tag color range
[RNG] in HUD / General HUD
HUD / General HUD / OnClick / New [RNG] value
Tag color range works for General HUD
SnG registrator in General HUD and tray icon pop ups does Unregister all & stop
Close PartyCaption and Advanced MTT Lobby hotkeys moved to Lobby / Hotkeys
Hotkeys / HUD toggle
[preActionClicked] - show panel if pre-action button has been clicked by Check/Fold hotkey
Fix in implementation of Options / setBetBox v2 option
Fix for party.es/.fr turbo tournaments (TL tags were incorrectly read in them)
[TL_ITM] / [TL_avStackITM] / [TL_avStackITM_bb] / [TL_nextPrize] tags work during late registration in satellites now
Color notes work in a Tounament lobby / Tables tab
Table highlight / Table not under mouse
Auto open FastForward tables, SnG registrator, SnG Jackpots registrator checkboxes in a General HUD and tray icon pop up menu
Options / setBetBox v2 fix
HUD / Table panels / OnHover / Tournament lobby
HUD / Table panels / OnHover / General HUD
[TL_prizePool] tag fix for a new tournament lobby
[TL_guaranteed] tag
[pos] tag displays positions for sitouts in tournaments
Options / setBetBox v2 (new fix for entering values to bet box for partypoker.com)
Fixes for the latest partypoker.com update (22.11.2018)
Bounty tags overlay fix option has been removed and it works by default now
Implementation of the Table highlight has been slightly modified, and also a new rules added there:
Table under mouse, Hero aciton, Hand folded, Marked table (by 'Mark the table' hotkey), Time to act
Hotkeys / Mark the table
2nd fixes for the latest partypoker.com update (15.11.2018):
- [TL_BountyBuyIn], [BI], [TL_startingChips], [TL_RunningTime], [lastTimePlay] tags;
- fastforward tables handling;
- max bet size in PL games;
- notes in tournament lobby;
Options / Test & deprecated options / Bounty tags overlay fix - new formula to calulate [bountyVal_chips], [bountyVal_bb],[callOddsWithBounty%] tags at overlays
Layouts / WPD theme
1st fix for the latest partypoker.com update (15.11.2018)
Convert chips / Color range works with native party BB stacks now
[lastAction] tag renamed to [preflopAction]
Options / Repeat can be set to 0
[actions] tag config / Action symbols / Color
[TL_prizePool] tag in HUD / Table panels
Dialogs / Auto buy-in (cash table) for the latest partypoker.com update (25.10.2018)
More fixes for the latest partypoker.com update
3rd fix for the latest partypoker.com update
2nd fix for the latest partypoker.com update
1st fix for the latest partypoker.com update (16.10.2018)
[c=/] tag in HUD / Table panels and Player panels
HUD / HUD panels / General HUD
[sessionTime] tag is paused now while [tablesWHero]=0
Small changes in a global hotkeys implementation
HUD / [actions] tag config / Raises as % of pot
Fixes for [bountyVal_chips] and [bountyVal_bb] tags at high bounty values
HUD / Player panels / Reset positions
Convert chips / Custom bet box / Highlight bet amount
%USERNAME% can be used in Search the Web instead of [SCREENNAME]
Right button popup menu in the Note editor
call variable in formulas (how many you need to call)
Bounty HUD tags support for old poker clients (all except partypoker.com)
[bountyVal_$], [bountyVal_chips], [bountyVal_bb] tags in HUD / Player panels (possible bounty value for PSKO)
[callOddsWithBounty%] tag in HUD / Table panels (call odd with bounty for PSKO)
[earned_bounty] tag in HUD / Table panels
[TL_next_bb] tag in HUD / Table panels
New options in HUD / Player panels / Show panel:
on regular cash table
on fastforward table
on SnG/MTT table (except Hero/Jackpot/Knockout)
on SnG Hero/Jackpot table
on MTT Knockout table (this option also added to Table panels)
for other player / with stack ≤ hero only
[!heroAct] tag in both Table panels and Player panels
hbet variable in formulas (hero's bet on a current street)
[bountyVal] tag in HUD / Player panels
[TL_NetBuyIn], [TL_BountyBuyIn], [callBounty] tags in HUD / Table panels
Options / Auto time bank / Hide button works again at partypoker.com
Table options / Hide elements / Tourney info fix for the latest partypoker.com update
Lobby / Lobby position works every time after restoring of the main lobby
Delayed actions removed - unfortunately it violates partypoker rules ("Since this is automating behaviour, it is not aligned with our T&C's")
PCaption.ini_bak can be loaded with Options / Load settings backup
HUD / Hide board if hero all-in / Color + Show text
Fix for hotkeys on / key
More noticeable warnings about license expiration
HUD elements can be moved by Ctrl+LButton now
SnG/MTT / Auto actions / Auto rebuy
HUD / [actions] tag config / Add preflop sizings + Add postflop sizings
Lobby / Open Sit & Go Hero hotkeys
Layouts for poker clients with old table design are available for installation again
One more Set note hotkey fix
[isPreflopAggressor] tag in HUD / Player panels
Or old/unsupported layouts removed, [Notes colors] Old FrameNotes colors and [Notes] FilledNotes added
3rd stage of fixes for partypoker update:
Fix of Player panels positions at fastforward tables
Set note hotkey fix (it worked wrong with any key except LDblClick)
Fonts / Total pot / Hide value also hides a total pot shadow
Bet box coordinates fix for Fonts / Bet box option
Suppression of the right click, if a hotkey configured on RButtonUp
Fix for Hotkeys / Disable keyboard hotkeys if Player note is under mouse cursor
2nd stage of fixes for partypoker update 22/08/2018
1st stage of fixes for partypoker update 22/08/2018
License / Request for Trial button did not appear in some cases in v1.77 (now it is available with Use screenname-linked License ID enabled only)
Fix of HUD / Table panels / Background color range
SnG/MTT / Auto actions / Discard rebuy
[heroAct] tag in HUD / Player panels
Options / Replayer slot
Convert chips / Custom bet box / Background color + Font color
Preliminary support of a new party tables design (partypoker update 22/08/2018)
HUD / Showdown cards / Cards time is 3 seconds default now and 1 second minimum
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / New [RNG] value
Space can be used as street divider in [actions] tag config now
[lastAction] tag can be used in formulas and Color range now (as number of raises on preflop)
Additional attempts to communicate with the server
Lobby / Rearrange buttons in the Cash games lobby
Fixes for Swiss Windows language settings
HUD / Show Player panels with empty tags
[bet_bb] in HUD / Tag color range
Options / Auto 'I am back' (cash table) / Max X times in a row
Bugfixes and improvements
Dialogs processing fixes for partypoker.fr, partypoker.es, etc (SnG registrator could work wrong)
SnG/MTT / Auto buy-in disabled for tournaments with passwords
Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed...' / Hide dialog window
HUD / Showdown cards / Show board
Fixes in HUD / Showdown cards / Cards time
Support of tables with diacritical symbols in titles for partypoker.es/fr
[t] tag at partypoker.com works with high accuracy for all types of tournaments
[TL_prizeValue] and [TL_nextPrizeValue] can be used in HUD formulas now - like {([TL_nextPrizeValue]-[TL_prizeValue])/[BI]}
HUD / Table panels / Background / Color range
Options / Popup table whenever action is required / Wait for the end of the delayed action
HUD / Hide board if hero all-in / Hide board configuration
SnG/MTT / SnG HERO registrator / Pause registrator when
More than X heads-up tables are played
SNG with multiplier X or more is played
Unregister button in Hide SnG Hero/Jackpot animation banner
Lobby / Hide elements / Bottom banner works with the latest party client
Cards in HUD can be increased more than 100% ([grHand], [board] tags and HUD / Showdown cards)
Options / Tooltips / Show instantly works with the latest party client
Dialogs / 'Sorry! Registrations for this tournament has just closed...'
х operator in formulas can be used with calculated parameter in brackets
Support of buy-ins in RUB
Stakes in Add to Waitlist hotkeys has been updated
Width of the main window can be changed now
Delayed actions / Use for Call hotkey (for Check)
Convert chips works for side pots now
Fix for Auto click 'Check' in 'Confirm fold' dialog
Some fixes for bwin.be
[lastTimePlay] in Add tag
[lastTimePlay] turns off after the cards are dealt
HM2 / Popup position /
Left top table corner +custom
Right top table corner +custom
Left bottom table corner +custom
Right bottom table corner +custom
SnG/MTT / Hide SnG Hero/Jackpot animation
Fonts / Bet / Change color
Options / Auto time bank / X secs before
[lastTimePlay] tag in HUD / Table panels
HUD / Table panels / Show panel
Fonts / Player actions / Hide
Layout / [Misc] Invisible action plates
Table options / Default chat tab / Default
Options / Auto login removed
Preliminary support of the [timeToAct] and [actionTimer] tags for the latest party client
Modifier layout fix for the latest party client
Set note and Note editor hotkeys fix for the latest party client
FrameNotes and FilledFrameNotes layouts fix for the latest party client
Additional improvements of the latest party client support
Preliminary support of the latest partypoker client (22.02.2018)
[actions] tag config / Street divider
Fixes in Advanced MTT Lobby after the latest partypoker update (13.02.2018)
Fixes in Auto 'I am back'
Options / Popup table whenever action is required and Hotkeys / Table cycling are work with Table manager configs with miniatures (virtual stack mode)
[tablesWHero] tag in HUD / Table panels
Fixes in Options / Auto 'I am back'
Fixes in a main window opening by tray icon mouse click
Dialogs / 'Full Table' dialog - fix for party.nj
Options / Sit out next bb if time bank balance < X sec / FastForward only
Dialogs / 'This will overwrite the previous waitlist preferences...'
Lobby / Auto click 'Opt-In' - removed
Various fixes and improvements
Fixes in [avst_bb] tag update
Fixes in [PreBetSize] tag postflop bet display
[f] tag in HUD / Table panels
% sign added to custom bet box when it displays the percentage value (by Convert chips / Custom bet box / in pot% for postflop bet option)
Table manager / Add opened adds slots to end of list instead of replacing them
Up and down buttons in Table manager / Table slots
Fix for default note position in FrameNotes and FilledFrameNotes layouts
Hotkeys / Accept rematch
Convert chips / Custom bet box / in pot% for postflop bet
Table options / Custom color notes / Tournament lobby note
License / Diagnostics
Options / Mouse procesing type / Type 3
Layout / [Theme] Modifier Layout
Classic party theme support
Options / Mouse processing type
HUD / Player panels / OnHover / Country
End of old-style license support (PC code and Account code licenses)
LDblClick LeftTop, LDblClick RightTop, LDblClick LeftBottom, LDblClick RightBottom in Hotkeys
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Move the table
[timeToAct] in Tag color range
[minStartStackNF_bb], [minStartStackNF_bb+] tags
[sngHeroX] tag
[allHandsCount] tag
Second use of Lobby / My Waitlist hotkeys closes waitlist window
Delayed actions / Use for Check/Fold hotkey (for Fold)
Delayed actions / Use for mouse click on Fold button
Delayed actions / River - OOP only (except Bet/Raise)
Table options / Hide elements / SnG Hero prize button
Table options / Hide elements / # Hand hides hand number on SnG Hero tables
Table options / Hide elements /Tourney info hides info panels on SnG Hero tables
Small bugfixes and improvements
[minStackNF_bb], [avStackNF_bb], [avStackNFeh_bb] in Tag color range
Table highlight / Formula
Formulas in HUD / Table panels - use {} to calculate values
Hotkeys / Advanced MTT Lobby
HUD / Hovering HUD
Options / Show invisible tables improved
SnG/MTT / SnG HERO registrator
SnG HERO + Table manager - tables resize fix
Advanced MTT Lobby - position and size saving
[preflop] and [postflop] tags in HUD / Player panels
[effStack_bb] and [t] tags in HUD / Tag color range
Delayed actions / Delay is calculated from the beginning of the turn
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Tile tables + Cascade tables
sportingbet.gr support
SnG/MTT / Advanced MTT Lobby
SnG/MTT / Auto actions / Discard re-enter
New MTT finishing dialogs support
Total pot fix for the latest party update
Fonts / Total pot / Hide header + Hide value
[sessionTime] tag fix for AM/PM time format
SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Sorry, your opponent has decided to reject...'
Fixes for [TL_avStackITM], [TL_avStackITM_bb] tags
[note6] - [note10] tags in HUD / Player panels
[TL_BlindsLevel] tag in HUD / Table panels
[avStackNFeh], [avStackNFeh_bb] tags in HUD / Table panels
HUD / [actions] tag config / Add size signs
Bigfixes in a new SnG registrator
HUD / OnClick / Bet (formula) with auto bet
Redesign of SnG registrator
SnG/MTT / Auto actions / Refresh SnG lobby every X seconds
Fonts / Progressive bounty / dx + dy
Fonts / Table caption fix
HUD / Player panels / only if caption contains
bb decimals / 2 displays 2 or 0 digits now (not 1)
Frame tab always visible - you can configure (or hide) active player frame there
Fix for Hotkeys / Lobby
Fixes for partypoker update 8/8/17
- Auto open FastForward tables
- Lobby / Hotkeys / Open Sit & Go Hero
- Lobby / Hotkeys / Take seat (fastforward)
Lobby / Hide elements - some options was removed and some added there
Table options / Auto seat works again (it clicks Join Table now), but if only one seat available doesn't work
Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed...' works for HU SnG now, and autoclosing tables too
Options / Test log2
Fixes in table frames
Old way to set color notes works again now
[bet], [bet_bb] tags in HUD / Player panels
Popup table whenever action is required pauses when Note editor has focus
Delayed actions / if pot more than
HUD / Player panels / [startStackToHero+] tag
Options / Auto reset hotkeys / Cyclic reset
Options / Popup table whenever action is required + Mouse jump to table
Delayed actions:
Use for mouse click on Check button
Use for mouse click on Call button
Use for mouse click on Bet/Raise button
Options / Player Notes Editor
[avStackNF], [avStackNF_bb] tags in HUD / Table panels
Lobby / Auto open FastForward tables only counts FastForward tables tables
Options / Show invisible tables
Hotkeys / 'Check/Fold' hotkey clicks 'Forward fold to any bet' where it available
Betscript and Betting hotkeys in pot ligit games limit the maximum bet size
[minStackNF], [minStackNF_bb] tags in HUD / Table panels
[startStack+] tag in HUD / Player panels
[timeToAct] tag in HUD / Table panels
Delayed actions tab and [delayedActTime] tag in HUD / Table panels
Lobby / Auto click 'Opt-In'
HUD / Preferred seat / Auto detection
Wrong Player panels default positions in 3max - fixed
[allTrnys], [sessionTime] tags in Table panels
HUD / Player panels / OnClick / Reset session tags
Bugfixes & optimizations
[handsCount] tag in Table panels
HUD / Add nickname to OnHover popup
Removing obsolete options - Lobby / Hide elements / Points store, Lobby / Chat options, Table options / Hide elements / Footer Ticker + Disable chat + Disconnect protection
Options / Save settings backup + Load settings backup
Options / Import text notes
Dialogs / Auto buy-in / Hide bankroll
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Bet (formula)
Hotkeys / Betting hotkeys redisign
Fix for blocking notes with Table options / Default chat tab / Notes setting
[t] tag fix for 5 minutes DON and Turbo blind levels
HUD / [country] tag config
Hotkeys / Replayer
Lobby / FastForward lobby statistics
Options / Auto reset hotkeys
[country] tag in HUD / Player panels
[TL_countPlayers], [TL_prizeValue], [TL_nextPrize], [TL_nextPrizeValue] tags in HUD / Table panels
[tpos] tag removed - replaced by [CH_heroPos]/[CH_countPlayers] in HUD / Table panels
Many small fixes
Fixes for Mouse wheel (from v1.61)
Small fixes
Interface redesign - part of tabs removed, some options simplified, some moved to another tabs
Convert chips / Custom bet box / Reset position
HUD / Border width option for every panel now (before it was a global HUD option)
Table options / Default chat tab
Notes / Old note icon position
HUD / Player panels / OnHover
[reqProtect] tag in HUD / Table panels
Fixed issues with activation code loss in v1.59
Notes / Show notes in the Tournament lobby works correctly on the Tables tab
Options / Auto close FastForward table after finishing of all hands
[oppOdds%] tag in HUD / Table panels
Many other fixes and improvemets
Fixes for the latest partypoker update
Some small fixeses
Fix - some features stop to work on SnG Hero tables in v1.58
Fix - some lobby features stop to work in v1.58
License / Use screenname-linked License ID
Convert chips / Hotkeys / Disable convert chips for the table
Options / Send data to Hand2Note / Send for tournament and fastforward tables only
Fixes for rebuy on small fastforward tables
Lobby / Hide elements / Featured Cash Game tables
Color notes bug fixed (from v1.57)
Fastforward UTG betscript fix
Convert chips tab
Convert chips / Color range
HUD supports 8max tables now
LDblClick added to Betting hotkeys
Fonts / Progressive bounty - font parameters added
Fixes for the latest party update
Support of tournaments with a Ј symbol in a name
Note editor window always appear within the screen
Hotkeys / Bet/raise - press Enter in the bet box works for a custom betbox too
Table manager / Arrange tables on free desktop areas only
Fonts / Progressive bounty
[TL_allPlayers], [TL_avStackITM], [TL_avStackITM_bb], [TL_avStackFin], [TL_avStackFin_bb], [TL_RunningTime] tags in Table panels
Betscript / Advanced
Detection of SnG Hero tables changed
[lastAction] tag Table panels
[RNG] refreshes at start of hand
[avst] and [tpos] tags can induce problems with moving tables
Options / Send data to Hand2Note
Rebuy / Sit out next bb if time bank balance / and close table
Fixes in SnG/MTT / Auto add-on (MTT)
SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed...' also works for You Finished in Position X dialogs now
Color note fixes for SNG Hero tables
Text note editor is all top on all windows now
[effSprNextStreet] tag in Table panels
[pos] tag fixes in HU on tourney tables
[effSprNextStreet], [SPR], [effSPR], [numberFF] tags added to Tag color range
Fixes for Opp buttons
Fix for the 6.12.2016 party color note positions update
T, W and C buttons added in a Set note dialog
Clear and Add date added in a Note editor (and also Esc, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+D hotkeys)
Note editor window size saved now
Text note can be deleted now
Help for Text notes
[hasNote] tag in Player panels
[note1] - [note5] tags in Player panels
HUD / Player panels / OnClick / Note editor
Hotkeys / Note editor
HUD / Preferred seat / 3max
bwin.gr support
Support of spaces in nicknames in a Search The Web feature
Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed...' could cause reentry
Table highlight / Rule / Pot
Options / Reset hotkeys
Many small fixes
Fixes in Convert chips on cash tables (in v1.52)
Bet/Raise, All-in, Betting hotkeys with Auto bet issues fixed
Lobby / Lobby position
HUD / Player panels / [stack]
HUD / Player panels / [effStack]
Rebuy / Sit out next bb if time bank balance < X sec
HUD / [actions] tag config...
HUD / Hide board if hero all-in also works in situations where all opps in all-in
HUD / [RNG] tag range
Table options / Hide elements / Play fastforward button
Adaptive3 (0.3 2.7 27) in bb decimals
Active tab saved at exit now
Save options in bottom section
Numpad and Tab keys can be used as hotkey now
[startStack_bb+], [startStack_adjbb], [startStack_adjbb+], [startStack_M], [startStack_M+] tags in Player panels ([startStack_bb] renamed to [startStack_bb+], [stack_effbb] renamed to [stack_adjbb])
Hotkeys / 'Check/Fold' hotkey clicks 'Check' pre-action button (instead of 'Check/Fold')
Another fixes after last partypoker update
SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed...' closes a Replay dialog
Table cycling / Most urgent table hotkey
Hotfixes after last partypoker update
Table options / Hide elements / Betslider
Autoenabling Auto rebuy to max at Rebuy to = 100bb doesn't work in some cases
Table redraw after opening was changed
Hotkeys / Set note
LDblClick in the hotkeys dropdown list
Hotkeys / Lobby
[Ante_BB] tag in Table panels
HUD / Color range / [TL_timer]
HM2 / Right-click on HM2 HUD doesn't generate hotkey event works for Hand2Note now. Also it works for RButtonUp
Notes / Custom notes fixes
Fonts / Convert chips / Label
SnG/MTT / Autoselection registering for the money in a ticket/money dialog renamed to Auto buy-in. It can register for partypoints and tickets now.
SnG/MTT / Autorefresh tourney info ([tpos] and [avst] tags) removed
Hotkeys / 0-9 keys activate the bet box
If Rebuy / Autorebuy is enabled and и Rebuy to = 100bb, then Auto rebuy to max will be turned on instead of rebuy doing
Options / Fix NL25 FastForward table name
License ID displays without trial activation now
HUD / Player panels / [numberFF]
Lobby / Hotkeys / Hide/show lobby
Check auto rebuy before fold in FastForward (need to use Check/Fold hotkey)
Options / Betscript delay
Fixes for high blind levels
License checking issues with custom poker client installation path
Changing fonts on the tables only
PMU.fr license issues
Icon disappeared from the taskbar after showing a warning balloon
License tab, trial and new license type with online activation
Covert chip - rounding issues on microstakes fixed
Table frames / Width can be 0 now
Auto login fixed for some configurations
Postflop betscript considers rake
Betscript button #12 doesn't save settings
Many minor fixes
Account code doesn't read for account names with spaces
Lobby / Hotkeys / Open Sit & Go Hero
SnG/MTT / Sit & Go Hero / Auto buy-in
SnG/MTT / Sit & Go Hero / Discard rematch
Auto close SnG tables after finishing works for Sit & Go Hero (Discard rematch must be enabled)
HUD / Cards positions doesn't save for 4max tables
Options / Moving tables holding Left+Right mouse buttons
4max layout correctly installed in bwin now
[t] tag works for Sit & Go Hero
MButtonUp in Check/Fold hotkey
Fonts / Bet box works on a classic party layouts now
Lobby / Update lobby hotkey
Sit & Go Hero support
HUD / Preferred seat / 4max
Auto 'I am back' doesn't work after yesterday partypoker update
Betting hotkeys tab - 4 additional hotkeys and Auto bet for every hotkey added
Fonts / Convert chips / bb decimals - separated from HUD / bb decimals
Table moving by right+left mouse buttons works wrong sometimes, fixed
[avst_bb] tag in Table panels
[RNG] doesn't updated when Betsctipt / Active was disabled
Was a bug when Remove table bottom zone was enabled without Remove table bottom bar
[:2] tag in Table panels
Fonts / Convert chips / Custom bet box options
WatchList.txt (color notes file) backup
Support of Account code license for PMU.fr
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Bet in bb and Betscript / Betting hotkeys (bet in bb) - doesn't work properly when Use Pot Bet formula in a raise size calculations was active
[pos] tag in HU fixed
Auto close all one-button dialogs - fixes for dialogs with Continue button (for partypremium)
All-in hotkey and Bettings hotkeys doesn't click Call button in some All-in situations
Hotkeys / Tile
Hotkeys / Inc bet
Hotkeys / Dec bet
Fixed all-in processing in All-in hotkey and in Betting hotkeys
to effective bb renamed to to effective bb (Tourney Adj BB)
HUD / Player panels / Show panel / for hero + for other players
Redesigned Layout tab
Table options / Hide elements / Your turn(s) - use it with '[Misc] Invisible 'Your turn(s)' background' layout
'Table options / Tourney announcement' remover, use 'Options / Table options / Turn off table announcement dialog' in the poker client instead
[timing] в Tag color range
Saving of 'HM2 / Popup position / Custom position' fixed
New 2+2 thread link
Fix in a Pot Bet formula
Betscript / Use Pot Bet formula in a raise size calculations
'Auto sit out at a manual sitting' works with seating scripts now, ('if only' mist be off)
Support HM2 fasforward HUD on partypremium is back (was deleted in v1.38)
Tourney tables with long titles can not work
[f] tag in Player panels
Lobby / Add to Waitlist / Seats - doesn't work properly on bwin
Some fixes
Fixes in Table manager
Fixes for partypremium
'Lobby / Add to Waitlist' - list with up to 12 hotkeys now
Lobby / Add to Waitlist / Don't close 'Waitlist' dialog
Dialogs / Full Table
PartyDenmark support
'Lobby / Add to Waitlist' hotkey
'Lobby / Find Seat' hotkey
[grHand] hides in fastforward at fold and end of hand
Support of partypremium poker
Force TableScan Turbo to work with partypremim
Options / Test1 - restore some changes from v1.37
'Dialogs / Message from' works for bwin now
Lobby / Always enabled lobby - unblock lobby if it blocked
Some fixes in HUD processing
Fix errors from v1.37
Options / Decimal separator
Many minor changes and improvements
Rebuy doesn't work on nl5k (if rebuy value $1000 or more)
Lobby / Unregister *** - use this hotkey to unregister from tournaments of which you can not unregister manually (fix party register/unregister bug)
Dialogs / Buy-in / Auto accept
Manual input in the custom bet box can work wrong with not default decimal separator
'Color tag range' not working for [%] and [p%] tags - fixed
The new table panels were created off-table if it was more than 20 panels
[captN] tag instead of [capt3]
Options / Number of symbols in [captN] - set the length of [captN]
Hotkeys / Disable keyboard hotkeys if Player note is under mouse cursor
HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Open lobby
Some changes in the Account code license checking
Table panels / OnClick / Pot Bet
[tpbb] overflowed on the high blind levels
'Auto close SnG tables after finishing' doesn't work with acivated 'Auto close all one-button dialogs'
HUD / Player panels / OnClick / Search the Web
[playersInHand] tag in Table panels
Table options / Table options / Switch chat to the Options tab
Options / Custom set note dialog hides when table clicked
SnG registrator works for WPT and other clients with an old SnG lobby now
Custom set note dialog hiding by table click
Dialogs / Auto close 'Sorry, you cannot register for this tournament'
[SNG_timeToEnd] tag in Table panels
Hotkeys / Close PartyCaption
Rebuy / Sit out next bb if stack more than / FastForward only
Hotkeys / Auto-rebuy to Max at all tables
[board] tag in Table panels
Mucked cards display fix
SnG registrator works without 'Auto close all one-button dialogs' now
SnG registrator / Max SNGs to play (stop after how many SNGs)
SnG registrator / Max time to play (stop after how many minutes)
SnG registrator / Session time
Dialogs / Auto close all one-button dialogs
Support of bwin.it, PartyPoker.it, GiocoDigitale Poker (Italian Party skins) - run PartyCaption before poker client install and choose English in the first setup window
SnG registrator improvements
[regSNG] tag in Table panels
Tourney announcement / Block (use it you have crushes with Close/Hide, install 'Invisible tourney announcement background' lauoyt before using)
Dialogs / Auto close 'Player feedback form'
SnG/MTT / SnG registrator
v1.30b - Dialogs / Auto close 'Please complete the Buy-in transaction on the other...', Hotkeys / Use pre-action buttons for 'Call' and 'Bet/Raise' hotkeys
v1.30a - [effStackNextStreet], [effStackNextStreet_bb] tags in Table pabels, new implementation of [t] tag (now it works for all SnG's), various fixes.
v1.30 - recreate HUD if the user changed his mind to close the table, 'Any DecimalSeparator in the bet box' works for main keyboard keys now (not Numpad only), SnG/MTT / Reopen lobby at 0:00 timer
v1.29c - new dialogs after tourney finishing in the last Party update
v1.29b - most of features are now works at classic Party tables, Table options / Hide elements / Casino game button + Hand strength, [handStrength] tag in Table panels
v1.29a - changes in SnG autoclosing
v1.29 - SnG autoclosing didn't work without HUD, any decimal separator in she system settings can be used now,
Font / Stack / Change color, 'Betting hotkeys' are 8 now, 'Betsctipt / 3bet' could not work properly sometimes, Hotkeys / Save note and hide chat, Table options / Opening & closing / Auto confirmation of table closing / anyway, [needOuts] tag in Table panels
v1.28b - Lobby / Auto open FastForward tables
v1.28a - [RNG] tag in Table panels
v1.28 - 'Auto seat / and sit out', 'Auto sit out at a manual sitting' didn't work after Party update, options Auto click 'Auto-post blind' after any blinds posting, Auto click 'Wait for BB' and then 'Auto-post blind', Auto click 'Checking the "Auto-post blind" checkbox ...' removed
v1.27b - Sit out next hand if stack more than / and close table, small fixes
v1.27 - Options / Fix GDI leak (removed, fixed by Party), works without .NET framework (pc2hook.dll instead of pcHookMain/pcHookLib/EasyHook), changes in 'Table under mouse bring to foreground'
v1.26 - Table options / Tourney announcement, Layout / Invisible tourney announcement background, Options / Fix GDI leak
v1.25a - HM2 / Use only X monitor for popup centering
v1.25 - [TL_timer], [TL_ITM] tags in Table panels, SnG/MTT / Autorefresh [TL_...] tags
v1.24a - Table panels / OnClick / Raise x bet
v1.24 - [heroAct] tag in Table panels, Lobby / Games, the maximum number of Table panels is 40 now, support of bwin.fr
v1.23b - Lobby / Kill lobby tooltips (there is a resource leak in lobby tooltips, Party client recreates new tools on any lobby update, I believe this option can solve this problem)
v1.23 - HUD / Panel border width, HUD / [pos] tag config, Betscript / Betting hotkeys / bb, [stackAfterBet_bb], [potNextStreet_bb] tags in Table panels, blinds higher then 1000 handled incorrectly in some language settings, Betscript / 4bet working properly in open 4bets
v1.22f - Hotkeys / Disable mouse hotkeys if Shift holded, MButton, XButton1 and XButton2 support in Lobby hotkeys
v1.22b - changes and fix errors in betscript algorithm, Table options / Auto confirmation of table closing
v1.22 - Rebuy / Auto-rebuy to max if stack more than X bb, Betscript / Postflop / Bet 3betpot
v1.21 - support of Danske Spil Poker (Danish Party skin) and Premium Poker
v1.20b - minor changes
v1.20a - changes in FastForward tables processing
v1.20 - hotkeys on Lobby tab - Watch Table, Join/Leave Waitlist, Take seat (fastforward), Register/Unregister, Tourney Lobby; Lobby / Hide elements / Balance info works in the new client now, Rebuy / Sit out next bb if stack more than / and close table
v1.19 - 5max tables HUD, hide nicks with Fonts / Nick / Reduce = 0, Rebuy / Sit out next hand if stack more than, Betscript / Openraise / BU (HU)
v1.18b - HM2 / Right-click on HM2 HUD doesn't generate hotkey event
v1.18a - right click on HUD doesn't generate a hotkey event if 'HUD lock' is off, Hotkeys / Set table size
v1.18 - SnG/MTT / Autoselection registering for the money in a ticket/money dialog, Table options / Hide elements: Sit out options, ON/OFF at all cash tables, ON/OFF help, ON/OFF switch; Table options / Move elements: Chat area, Sit out next big blind, Sit me out; Auto close SnG tables after finishing / v
v1.17a - fix: [actionTables] didn't work properly
v1.17 - Dialogs / Auto close messages about casual tables, color notes in FastForward lobby, Table options / Auto 'I am back' (cash table) works only if 'Sitout next bb' is off, [actionTables] tag in Table panels
v1.16a - fix: Betscript / Openraise sometimes not saved
v1.16 - Hotkeys / Immediately close the table, Table highlight / Postflop players only works when hero didn't fold, Dialogs / Auto close 'Message from...'
v1.15 - [grHand] tag in Player panels, Dialogs / Auto login, Table options / Opening & closing / Auto sit out at a manual sitting / if only ≥ N seats available
v1.14 - [effSPR] tag in Table panels, Rebuy / Sit out next bb if stack more than, new layouts
v1.13 - [sizing] tag in Player panels, color selection window when adding [c=] tag
v1.12 - [PreBetSize] tag in Table panels
v1.11 - Rebuy / Old version (before v1.01), SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Do you really want to un-register...', SnG/MTT / Auto close 'You have successfully unregistered...', Dialogs / Auto close 'You already have the maximum number of tables...', Dialogs / Auto close 'We are sorry, but the time of your reservation...', Dialogs / Auto close 'The requested seat cannot be reserved more...', Dialogs / Auto close 'Please wait for some moments while table...', Dialogs / Auto close 'Welcome back!', Dialogs / Auto close login window after login, HM2 / Hand viewer position / Custom position
v1.10 - HM2 / Popup position, [preflop] and [postflop] tags in Table panels, Table manager / Alternative miniature highlight
v1.09 - Betscript / Betting hotkeys / Auto bet, [PFR_N] tag instead [PFR10], Options / Number of hands in [PFR_N]
v1.08 - new modes of HUD / bb decimals (also for Fonts / Convert chips), [lastPFR] and [PFR10] tags in Player panels, change logic of Table cycling / All
v1.07 - Table options / Hide elements / Tourney announcement
v1.06 - Dialogs / You have been picked up from the table, Dialogs / You were removed from this table, Dialogs / Auto click 'Auto-post blind' after any blinds posting, Dialogs / Auto click 'Join Waitlist' in 'Unfortunately all seats at this table have been taken', Table options / Auto sit out at a manual sitting
v1.05 - [sitout] tag in Player panels
v1.04 - Fonts / Convert chips / Custom bet box, popup on a HUD panel with the [timing] tag
v1.03 - [timing] tag in Player panels
v1.02 - Table panels/OnClick / Close the table, [capt3] and [SPR] tags in Table panels, Hotkeys / 'I am back' at all tables, Dialogs / Auto click 'Muck losing/Uncalled hands', Options / Attach delay
v1.01a - Table options / Remove table bottom zone, Table options / Move elements
v1.00 - Hotkeys / Sit me out, Hotkeys / Sit me out at all tables, Table options / Hide elements / Betslider buttons, moving table with two mouse buttons, Table options / Remove table title bar
v0.99b - Table options / Remove topmost style
v0.99a - SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Conglaturations, you were placed...', [timeBank] tag in Table panels
v0.99 - [stack_bb] tag in Table panels, Notes / Show notes in the lobby
v0.98 - color notes in the Tournament lobby (SnG/MTT / HUD in Tournament lobby)
v0.97 - Account code license
v0.96a - support of PMU poker and ACF poker (French Party skins)
v0.96 - OnClick in Table panels / Player panels
v0.95 - Table options / Hide elements / Waiting for players (FF), Hotkeys / Fold and watch (FF)
v0.94 - Table options / Remove table bottom bar, [!f] tag
v0.93 - Hotkeys / Mouse wheel / Invert, Hotkeys / Rebuy 10bb, Table options / Opening & closing / Autoclose table if no hero in hand, HUD / Cards time
v0.92 - HUD / Player panels, HUD / Tag color range, support of PartyPokerNJ and BorgataPoker (New Jersey)
v0.91 - Table options / Time bank / Activate at the end of main time